How can MedicalD4 help your business?
MedicalD4 is an affordable provider of medical services to the transport sector, with expertise in providing no-nonsense driver medical assessments to transport managers and recruiters right across the country.
We understand our client’s need for quick, cheap and flexible Medicals.
We pride ourselves in providing professional medical assessments with attention to detail.
What to expect from us:

Cheapest nationwide - we have never been beaten on price!
All our doctors are GMC approved - and undergo additional D4 training
Nationwide footprint. Clinics from Aberdeen to Southampton, we’ve got you covered
Access to our state-of-the-art clinic booking system for quick and easy booking
Your own Account Manager to ensure your business needs are met
Business Priority clinic service - keeping your drivers on the road
Flexible evening and weekend clinics available - no disruption to your drivers’ work
Visual Acuity including peripheral vision
Hearing Assessment
Colour Vision Assessed using Ishihara Plates Test (using at least plates 1 – 21)
Blood Pressure and Pulse
Urine Dipstick Test to Screen for Disease (e.g. Diabetes / Haematuria / Infection)
General Health Assessment
Our airside drivers medicals are in line with DVLA2 standards and updates are reviewed regularly
Occupation Health Assessment:
Rapid access to occupational health support.
Get medical support quickly and reduce your risk with our nationwide occupational health assessment.
Receive expert advice about reasonable adjustments.
We provide rapid access to specialist occupational health opinions and a advice. We understand HR practices, ER, GDPR and the ACAS Code.
We help businesses identify, mitigate and manage health and absence risks.
Get in touch today to discuss your requirements.